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  1. Auto comp
  2. Shortcuts
  3. ClassWiz
  4. Comp.pro.
  5. Compiling
  6. Exporting 
  7. Debug
  8. Try catch

   Autocompletion makes it possible to make the program finish the code
   for you. You type in e.g. the for keyword (see figure below) and the
   rest of the code will be generated for you.


   This feature can also be used if there are very long words that you
   use a lot in your programs (see figure below). You can then define
   shorthand notations for the word / sentences you want to autocomplete.
   An example of this is if you use the variable
   TheLongestKeywordInTheWorld a lot in your code. You can define a
   keyword like TLKITW and the long version of the keyword will be
   inserted when you hit the spacebar.



     You can edit the code for the keywords by selecting it in the list
     of keywords and entering / editing your code in the Completion
     code section.

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