Order / price list

We are so sure that you will be happy with our products, that we offer a 100 % satisfaction guarantee. If you are not happy with the product after 30 days of purchasing, you will get your money back. Free email support is also included when purchasing one of our products, and training videos are available online to get you up and running quickly.

Windows version

The prices listed for the Windows system below are one time fees for each licence (for each vessel or the server version). There are no additional cost with each licence. The code to unlock the purchased product will be received within 48 hours of purchasing, when ordering online.

Note: To receive data from the vessels on shore on the Windows version, you need to have the server version of QAManager (QA ship server). This server is able to receive data from all three modules (maintenance, reporting and document handling).

Maintenance system

Price: 650 USD
Name: MMaster


Document handling system

Price: 60 USD
Name: DocSys


Reporting system

Price: 990 USD
Name: RepFormSys


Quality assurance system

Price: 1195 USD
Name: QAManager
Type: Client and Server (you get both)


Web version

With our web based system you can use the software on any device such as Windows, Mac, Linux, phone, tablet etc. You can send messages real time between the vessels in the fleet and create purchase orders in a userfriendly web based system.

MMaster web (our web based system)

Price: 29 USD pr month
Name: MMasterWeb
