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MMaster - Windows
16.04.2023 Version 5.7 for Windows is now available from the download section.
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MMaster - Web version
02.02.2022 MMaster is available as a web based version, where you can use the software on any device, such as phone, tablet, Linux, Mac, Windows PC etc. You can communicate in real time between vessels in your fleet, and office. Can also create purchase orders, which automatically know what spares you are running low on.
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MMaster - Windows
01.01.2022 Version 5.5 for Windows is now available from the download section.
Contains misc improvements and fixes..
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Celebrating 20 years in business
28.06.2020 Oceantiger Software is celebrating 20 years of business in 2020. The company was started in year 2000 and look forward to keep providing software for the shipping industry, for many more years to come.
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New product - Economylab
10.11.2017 Oceantiger Software launced a new financial web based software for small Norwegian companies. The software is called Economylab, and provide software for invoicing, accounting and time registration.
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Maintenance Master - Ship maintenance system
30.01.2016 Version 5.2 is now available from the download section.
New in this version is: Can define your own departments, job types and spare categories. Can now automatically consume spare parts when signing out jobs. The consumed spares can be found in a new spare cost report which show an overview of cost and spares consumption over time. Spare consumption is also available on the spare part more info button. The update also contains other fixes.
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Maintenance Master - Ship maintenance system
12.12.2015 Version 5.1 is now available from the download section.
New in this version is: New function for duplicate component tree. Copy parts or all components data under a main component (including also sub components). Status column under jobs which display red for expired jobs, orange for jobs that will expire within next 30 days and green for jobs that have not expired. A task list is available to display all jobs in the system that have expired, will expire next 30 days, will expire next 31-60 days and jobs that have been completed last 30 days. A general search is available for searching for all type of data in the system (such as components, jobs, spare parts, suppliers, history). An automatic backup of database is created at the last successful run of application. Can now automatically update the program. More filter options are available on the job order report.
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Maintenance Master - Ship maintenance system
10.06.2015 Version 5.0 is now available from the download section.
New in this version is: Can now export reports to pdf. On job orders report, there is a new filter when starting the report to view "Today's expired jobs" which will show both date and running hour jobs that have expired in report. In completed jobs report, now group history by both component and job. The report also have a new column for running hour completed. More flexible expire jobs search window. Can now (among other things) filter today's expired jobs by component, department etc. Under jobs, there is now a new job analyse button, for seeing history pr job and how many days the job was completed overdue or before expired. From expire jobs search result window, it is now possible to do job analysis and postpone a job directly from the window. If more then one interval has passed since last completed date (when signing out jobs), a new window will show up, letting users easily complete multiple intervals from the same window. All reports now have the same look. Spare parts report grouped by component. History is now sorted with the last logged items first (in comparison to last logged items at the bottom of list before), so easier to find last changes. Running hour main list changes are now logged. All reports have system name and version number (DNV requirement). Validation when editing job to assure that the expire date on the job is not changed back in time to a date earlier then a job date already signed out (added to history). New validation when completing jobs (to assure no errors are made when completing jobs): Will not complete jobs further back then one job interval from expire date and will not complete jobs that are into the future (more then today's date). Postpone job in cases where not possible to complete on expired date.
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Maintenance Master - Ship maintenance system
21.02.2013 Version 4.7 is now available from the download section.
New in this version is: A new user admin feature, where it is possible to define users for the system, with login credentials and user rights management. The user initials defined in the users list, are used everywhere where it is needed, so not needing to enter it every time. Important events are now logged on a job. Example event that are logged are: Change job interval, change job name and change of job expire info. Change in layout for the supplier list report. Possibility to postpone a job. The version also contains other minor adjustments and improvements.
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DocSys - Document handling system
07.12.2012 Version 1.6 is now available from the download section.
New in this version: Speed improvements in inserting sections in the section tree. Can mark a document as read on ship only, so it is not sent to server. General improvement in sending data to server: Documents sent successfully are marked sent, so it is no need to keep track of documents to send. Status window for displaying sent documents progress.
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Maintenance Master - Ship maintenance system
02.09.2012 Version 4.6 is now available from the download section.
New in this version is: The system now has a new design. Other new features: The expired jobs will now be marked red in the job list. A new window is available for adding unplanned events. More info part is available for jobs, spare parts and history. Info about when the job expired on history item, to make it easier to analyse if job was completed within estimate.
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RepFormSys - Reporting System
29.06.2012 Application info. pdf document, updated for v3.0
The system now has a new design. In addition there is now a preview pane for the reports so that it is a lot easier to find the reports. Download and get more info about the document from the training section.
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QA Manager- Quality Control System
28.06.2012 Application info. pdf document, updated for v2.1.
New in this version is: The system now has a new design. Many new features. See changes of MMaster, RepSys and DocSys which is integrated into the new version of QA Manger.
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Oceantiger Mail
21.06.10 Version 2.0 is now available at the download section.
Free email software. New in this version: New database system. Easy to configure hotmail / live, yahoo and gmail accounts. Fixed issue with some SSL servers not possible to reach. Create and restore backup of email database.
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Oceantiger C# Designer
02.10.08 Version 1.7 is now available at the download section.
Free source code editor to edit C# code.
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Oceantiger's Editor
17.05.08 Version 3.6 is now available at the download section.
Free editor for editing Java, html, css, perl, php, xml and more.
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