Services List

Service detailed
Custom reports
In case there are some reports in the system that does not exactly fit the need of the vessel, or there are reports that are not present in the system at all. We can custom make the reports so that fit each vessels needs.
Import data from other system
If your company already have a system that you would like data imported from that system into one of our systems. We can create the tools for making sure the data are transferred correctly. Today we have a system for transferring data from TeroMarine's maintenance system. If you have a system where you want data transferred from, let us know.
Training courses
We offer training courses in our maintenance, reporting and document handling systems. The courses can be taken either online or on site. We also offer some free presentation videos that you can look at in the training section of the webpage. Those presentation videos give a short overview of some of the most used features of each program. If you need a more detailed introduction to each software product, we can custom make a training course that fit each customers needs.
Custom functionality
If the system does not have a window you need for entering data etc. We can put that functionality into the system. No job is too small or too big. Let us know your functionality idea and we will consider implementing it.
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